Training for a marathon is one thing, training to circumnavigate the NZ coastline, solo, in a kayak is a totally different ball game; one that requires Ridiculous amounts of Enormous Dedication.

Lynn “Red” Paterson says, “if you have a dream ask yourself, how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it?” There is no barrier to living your dream, which for Red was circumnavigating 6000 kilometres around the NZ coastline solo. Whilst living her dream she raised awareness and funds for Mental Health New Zealand, as well as setting a number of world records. What started out as a 180-day kayak adventure, ended up a 432-day life changing odyssey.


Red is an inspiring speaker who delivers the goods in an honest, authentic and wonderfully humorous style. She combines psychology with physicality, sharing skills, strategies and techniques that can be applied to everyday life and work. Her presentations are adapted to suit the needs and wants of any audiences, or organisation.

Red is available to share her incredible story for your upcoming conferences, seminars, workshops, after dinner, schools, and team building events. Actually, you name the event…

Get motivated and inspired, make contact today.

Lynn Paterson (aka Red)

Ma te Wa


DARE TO SHARE YOUR DREAM - "Ask yourself - How much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve that dream"

  • the initial challenge is your own internal doubt

  • others always share their fears

  • everything seems impossible until it is done

  • recognising good stress

  • mentors that stay neutral

  • mental toughness starts now.


CREATING SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING - "decide what you want and don't stop till you get there"

  • turn the negatives into positives

  • can't into a can - just watch me

  • end each day with a smile and a great thought

  • telling someone you respect

  • honestly being scared is good

  • mental toughness continues to grow.


WHERE TO START - "the timing is never perfect, just start and then keep going"

  • the planning; pre & during. The A B C plans

  • getting the team - we all make mistakes along the way

  • being flexible - taking that side step

  • the sponsorship

  • goal setting and achieving

  • personal rewards.


THE NZ JOURNEY THAT BECAME AN ODYSSEY - "what started as a 180 day adventure turned into a 432 day odyssey'

  • feeling fear and failure

  • the great and the horrible

  • North, South & Stewart Islands - NZ from a kayak's view

  • sharks, dolphins, the ocean and just me

  • so scared

  • resilience.


YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING- "a family members mental health illness was like a grenade exploding in my lap, everyone around was effected by the explosion, the closer you are the more damage"

  • the shame

  • sharing your story - everyone has one

  • the magic wand you wished for

  • mental toughness starts now

  • exercise is the best medicine

  • day by day - one paddle stroke at a time.