I managed to get a little way today, a little way, as far as the Castle Point lagoon, a mere 12 km only. I could not get on the water till the winds dropped after 11 am and it was a race against the clock today. When I got on the water it was still a little blustery but I knew it was going to ease. I had a head wind and swell towards me. Once I had got past the churned up water and the coastal rock back wash the sea turned turquoise and it was nice. It was okay to have a headwind, it was easier to handle my lighter kayak in this than the cross wind the other day. I had packed her a little different so she sat okay, slowly but surely I aimed at Castle Point and was enjoying this paddle. Not breaking any speed records but I was on the water and settling into it.
Castle Point had a big rock backwash and this was interesting, as I have said before it is like a commercial washing machine, and around this point it was a little more than I wanted. There were a few wind gusts that I braced for but I passed by the point safely and aimed down the side to the lagoon access entrance, two hours to get 13 km done. Nat and I touched base about the next step of our plan.
Now back to the clock watching for the day, our next possible pullout point was Riversdale Beach, which with the wind and swell against me the next 24 km may take me longer than we both wanted. We had no spare hours up our sleeves because Nat needed to catch a flight from Wellington at 9pm. We hoped to be in Wellington by today, well all good plans have been foiled by the weather so I pulled in at the Castle Point Lagoon.
We packed, loaded and got on the road so Nat could catch a flight. If the next two days weather forecast had been good I would have said see you in two days I will camp. Alas no way, massive wind again tomorrow I do believe . We had a late lunch, made great coffees, drank some gorgeous coconut water and sunbathed. We looked at the coastline ahead, had a competition to see who could take the best selfie images (Red won!) and generally hid in the sand dunes from the cooler winds. It was nice to see and feel the sun, and of course have some laughs!
I have to say a BIG thank you to Leith (my uncle) who spent time sending me an amazing email last night. Thank you for your caring and constructive information about the weather, from a keen yachtsman and pilot it was really great and easy to understand and I thank you for writing it in basic terms for me.
Tomorrow I am solo! Cuzzie needs a serious wash and wipe down. I am going for a run and maybe will locate a gym! And catching up for coffee with Briar Paterson. :)
My thoughts today...
I dislike off shore wind gusts
I love the warm sun
I like swimming in the cold ocean waves then warming back up in the sun
Today I thought about many people when I paddled
Today I looked to the sky and said thank you to the many who have helped me and to the ones who took my caged tiger calls, to the ones who say a prayer for my safe paddling. I felt strangely emotional on the water today and that is a good thing
Today was a nice time on the water albeit only brief
So I am giving myself a big hug
I am liking lots and I am being kind to myself, this does not happen often let me tell you
I am going to sit and watch people on the Wellington water front
And I am going to forget about the water and stop staring at my apps...well until tomorrow afternoon!
Everyone enjoy your Friday and your weekend, I will be in my special solo way, I like me time.
FYI: the burgundy eye makeup (the black eye) it is a winner! And I actually like the look.
Red getting Louise packed up for a paddle