We awoke at 1 and 2 am as the other camper vans left for the early ferry crossings, it seemed to us that they had wanted everyone to wake up with them, a tad noisy to say the least. Never mind as also the camper van was being blown about, the wind was cold and strong. At least the weather forecasts have been bang on of late. We lay and listened to the other freedom campers moving about and we eventually got up about 7.00 am. We busied ourselves with jobs, it was great to see that Nat was now back to feeling nearly better after the rough ride into Wellington, she was now able to keep food and water down and she was wanting food at last, a big breakfast to fill an extremely empty stomach. We went into town and found a great little cafe to provide us with a good brekkie, we will go back for sure, the home made hash browns were amazing.
Us girls also managed to find the dump station and Cuzzie was emptied and her water tanks refilled. We chatted to a lovely couple who recognised our journey from the TV and newspaper articles. It was nice to stop for a moment and talk and exchange mutual thoughts and feelings on Mental Health issues, we shared a lot of similar thoughts and they both were extremely supportive of the cause and the journey. With photos taken and with Cuzzie sorted off we went for fresh meat purchases and other things to jam into the fridge. There is a possibility that we will be off the sealed roads now for a few days so we forced as much as possible into the fridge and headed for the motorway.
So back up to Castle Point, on the way we decided to take a detour to Flat Point to check out the landing and locations for me for tomorrows paddle. Lots of winding unsealed roads, plenty of dust, a couple of logging trucks and a few sheep. At last we arrived, the landing looks sort of okay, there have been worse. We are hoping I can push a little further along and Nat may have to ask a couple of local farmers if it is ok to access the beach over their land. Lets just see how far I get as I have been missing a lot of final set destinations lately, so not promising too much to the support team.
The best site today was the tea-tree toilet construction we saw along the road side (pic below) and the other great site was a drop in the wind at Castle Point and the chance to get on the water for awhile tomorrow. I will be totally pleased to just get a little further down the coast, but I am still wanting a calm day to knock off a big chunk and get closer to Wellington. Really I am trying not to look to far ahead and just keep my chin down and focus on it day by day. Paddle stroke by paddle stroke attitude. Lets see if I can keep focused on this.
Along the roads today we saw a lot of very unusual straw scarecrows, they were a rather unusual sight. Nat found a couple of them rather disturbing, I just found them entertaining. Sorry no pics as the road was too narrow to stop and be tourists.
Back at our spot at the Castle Point campground, dinner cooked on their BBQ. Nat reckons it was the best meal, ha, that's just because she was starving. I best get organised now as I have still gear to be packed away ready for the early morning paddle, my food is packed, thermos of tea made, brownie and snacks a plenty. I am aiming for a pre sunrise paddle as wind is dropping apparently to single figures, lets wait and see. I have set myself limits re wind and swells for this coastline, and it is small steps along this coast, the weather gods will assist me soon I am sure of that.
Maybe off the grid tomorrow night, so a double blog as soon as we come back online. Until then enjoy your world and enjoy your crazy December, we it seems are miles away from this at present.
Beautiful outdoor roadside toilet
Wellington Marina