Monday 14 November 2016
Monday started early. For some in the house, it was just after midnight. Yes, the quake was felt in Port Waikato as well. Not by me in Cuzzie, as I probably just rolled over thinking it was another gust of wind gust rocking me to sleep! I did, however, wake just after 2am for a couple of hours and read the terrible news about the quake further south. Kaikoura is such a beautiful area of the South Island and I feel so much for them. Sending all a huge “stay safe" message from myself and the Redz NZ team.
My morning was, firstly, a one-hour run on the beach. Past crumbling sand dunes that are quickly disappearing into the ocean. Erosion is a major concern on this coastline, with not a lot that can be done it seems; except pray your house is not on the cliff edge. With each month’s storms, a new section of the dunes disappears. The Surf Clubhouse has been moved twice already!! Once back, it was to get breakfast over and done with quickly and jump into Cuzzie with Anouchka to head into Pukekohe to take my faithful camper-van to have some auto electrical work done; never an exciting experience for me. All I did was spend my waiting time holding my breath while some work on the tail lights was done. Then I had to part with a small amount of cash! Thankfully it wasn’t too painful on my wallet.
It would seem that I have wandered around many shops on this journey while otherwise waiting to get going again but, now, I’m more than a tad numb about getting any excitement out of shopping. I’m happy to say that this girl is not in need of any retail therapy. I already have more than enough, although I could perhaps do with a new pair of black leggings (just kidding!).
Back towards Port Waikato I drive. I’ve been talking about a possible paddle down the river but, as I get out of Cuzzie to have a closer look, the wind whistles past me down the river. I shake my head and even I could not convince myself to get into launch mode. Neither did it help matters that I was really hungry and couldn’t focus on much except for food at that stage!! As I drove further along, I soon regretted my decision but, by that stage, it was a little hard to turn, to change my mind. But that was a bad decision as the fresh air and the water would have been good for my soul today. I had received a message earlier today that was at the forefront of my mind and I had that new problem to deal with. In one brief sentence, my newest support crew is unable to join me, so I had to switch to Plan B (back-up). However, as the day has panned out, luck and my Plan B seem to be coming together and I look to the sky and thank Mother Nature for her perfect timing and for the blowing of a storm just now and for a little longer.
Back home in Port Waikato and pleased to be staying here as I understand there is now a news story about short supply water in Raglan, so that makes my decision easier. I will stay put a little north of Raglan for a bit longer it would seem. I sit here this evening, hoping to see the huge moon tonight. I would also say to anyone around the Auckland Harbour tonight to look out for the firework display on a barge in the harbour because our wonderful Nat is playing Miss Pyrotechnics! As for me, it’s home-made Kiwi burgers (yum!). But more stormy weather due later.
My smiles today:
A cheap repair on Cuzzie.
Running on the beach. Well, I smile at the end.
Retail therapy is not for me!
How everything happens for a reason.
Homemade fresh food. Yum!
Nat in a very happy place as the "Pyrotechnics Queen".
Problem solving.
My thoughts today:
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes. Including yourself!
From my safe little corner of NZ, goodnight from Red.
Ma Te Wa.