Thursday 17 November 2016
I take my camera to the beach every morning, hoping to see something exciting on my run but, as yet today, the exciting things are those I’m not able to reproduce in pictures; the wind blowing the sand like ribbons across the beach and up over the sand dunes, the sand stinging my shins as it’s blown full force at me and the pelting rain drenching me as I run! There’s not a single picture that would show you what it’s really like, so you’ll just have to imagine these experiences as best you can! That’s the way my morning went before breakfast today, but it was still fun and I was still smiling on my return. That’s me, crazy as ever!
To my surprise today, I located a couple of oyster-catchers standing up by the sand dunes, looking rather perplexed about the weather as well. Crazy birds, but I was strangely happy to see them. They remind me of some of the many wild, remote beaches on which I have spent other long waits.
Once back home, I hitched a ride into Pukekohe to go swimming. This routine may sound boring to some but, for me, it’s what keeps me focused. Especially as I have this continual nagging feeling that I need to stay paddle-ready, and I’m even starting to recognise the daily regulars at the pools. This morning, I smiled at a couple of them before I ducked my head under the water and submerged into my own little world for the next hour or so. Afterwards, as I shower, the changing rooms are invaded by a large group of pre-school kids after their swimming lessons. I’m impressed with the speed and skill of their staff as they dry and dress and match a backpack to each kid. I’m also impressed that the kids are there learning to swim; to my mind it’s a must-have skill for each and every kid.
We head back to Port Waikato, rain and wind alternating with hot sunshine and clear skies and this typically crazy spring weather continues all day. I find my sheltered spot in the garden, eat lunch, finish my book and do some writing. Then, as the sun was shining and I could hear the deafening sound of crazy waves, it was time to go and watch them, so off I walked towards Sunset Beach. I stood on the cliffs with the fine black sand blowing directly towards me, determined to become embedded in my eyes! Another heavy rain storm arrived and I had to shelter in the public changing rooms. Once the rain eventually subsided and the sun had returned, I decided that the only safe place to avoid being sand-blasted was on the rocks down on the beach. I manage to find another little sheltered corner away from the wind and sit watching and admiring the waves in the sunshine. I could have sat there for a lot longer but, all too soon, another heavy rain-filled cloud arrives, so I head back to the safety of my camper-van. Dinner, chats and we watch the news. Oh, and the weather forecast of course!
My smiles today:
My morning on the wild beach.
Smiling at the local pool regulars.
Sunshine, when it eventually appeared!
Sitting just staring out at the waves.
Kids learning to swim.
My thoughts today:
We have to realise that the world we live in is far too beautiful to waste our time being angry or sad when, instead, we could be enjoying what life has to offer.
Goodnight from Red.
Ma Te Wa.
Stormy west coast beaches. You have to love them.
Beautiful day on the horizon.