Sunday 28 February
The winds last night...poor T2 on the roof of Cuzzie, seriously it seemed at any minute T2 was going to take flight. This morning as per normal there was no wind and it was pre dawn calm. The sun woke up and we got ready to head to the local Sunday morning farmers market. Meat and veges purchased, also nearly a gorgeous hand knitted hat from Helen! Nearly, but I was controlled and walked away. It may be a regret when I am freezing in the Fiordlands. Then to Macpac to grab some additional dry bags for my next leg of my trip and some freeze dried food items that where on sale. Knowing me they will still be in my kayak at the end of the trip! But great backup food items if I get stuck.
A few other items where grabbed and then we were off out of Invercargill for a day of reconnaissance along the coast for the next couple of my paddling sections as I head to another solo leg. Leftover pork ribs for lunch and then we were back to Colac Bay to setup and unpack my damp tent and fly sheet to hang on the line. They got wind blown dry in a very quick time from the massive gusts, then were repacked into my gear bag. Nat was prepping my snack foods, high energy bags of seeds oils and honey. We then discussed which of my supplies needed topping up and checked on my gear, the batteries, and talked about my next solo sections.
It was then time to get some fresh air and sunshine for us both. A walk to the beach and along the road to the boat ramp, Nat and I foraging for blackberries and just chatting. I gave her a big hug today saying the biggest THANKYOU for the past four months. She and the other support crew guys have been totally awesome on this journey so far, they all deserve a massive hug.
Once we had walked, talked and paddled in the waves it was time to eat dinner. The crispy roast veges were ready on our arrival back and it was then quick steak cook and yippee dinner was ready. Coconut ice cream for desert for me and rum & raisin for Nat, followed by a large jar of fresh mint tea and lashings of honey. The wind has been seriously strong today and now a heavy rain storm has arrived tonight, bless this weather, it will get better soon I am certain.
All tucked up now in Cuzzie, dry and warm. Job list rewritten, on Monday we have plans and things to do. Also if we are lucky we will be still near enough to get some Bluff Oyster on the 1st of March before I leave for this next long section.
My smiles today:
Helen and her funky hand knitted hats, still smiling at this.
My yummy breakfast creation of sweet cinnamon pancakes and coconut cream, gosh this new Redz recipe is damn good.
The coastline around Colac Bay, beautiful.
How calm & quiet the mornings are before MN wakes up.
Farmers markets , they always so much fun.
Trying on sparkling glitter shoes and then gumboots! Yin and yang world.
Walking on a beach, paddling in the waves and just going "WOW, guess where I am?".
Responding to the wonderful people who have commented and donated to our journey and charity.
The campsite Labrador jumping into Cuzzie tonight saying hello as we ate dinner.
My thoughts today:
Worry less.
Smile more.
Listen carefully.
Take responsibility.
Accept what you can’t change. Embrace the lessons. Love every moment of your life. Start Today.
Till Monday, good night.
PS. New tracking page to have a look at, has a few new features
Colac Bay
Simpsons school bus