Wednesday 2nd March
It has been days since the alarm was set, today it was set for 530am and even I was awake before it went off. I then wondered why it had not gone of, I set it for PM not AM! Not really any stress as did not really need it. Up I got and got myself dressed and ready for today's paddle from Bluff to Colac bay or further if possible, let's just see how it all goes on the first 50km.
I chatted to another person in the kitchen this morning, he was heading out to go shark diving. I wished him all the best, it was going to be an amazing day on the water today so he was lucky. Crazy they were from near Piha and it was nice chatting.
Down to the launch with my hot cup of tea after eating my breakfast, it was cooler this morning so hat and rain jacket on this morning for launch. There was still a messy swell going on at this beach but it did not cause any real dramas just a small amount of water in the cockpit until I got out the back of the waves. It stayed rather sloppy and uneven for the first 10km of this paddle. It was slow and I just had to deal with it, the currents were not working in my favour today, it was to be a long day with this slow speed.
Across the ocean I pushed towards Colac Bay. Today had its challenges, it was not the wind or the swells it was just after Stewart island paddling this next section was just ocean and not a lot else, a few birds, penguins and me aiming toward a hazy coastline in the distance. Ticking over the kilometres, it was a tad uninspiring and it was no record breaking paddle to Colac bay. I text Nat and asked if she could go ahead and check the other landing as at 46km I had decided I had to push to get to Monkey Island, 28 km further. I needed to get as far along this section as possible today, it was a day of reminding myself of the saying "Are you made of sugar," and to just keep trucking along.
There were some really pretty sections and some challenging rock back washes and breaking waves on a couple points but at last the 26km mark arrived and I was glad, even happier when Nat had told me that the landing on the beach had half a wave. She was right, easy landing, 6pm at night on a gorgeous beach at a busy Doc Campsite.
We have charged up everything for my next hop to Port Craig before the wind picks up mid morning. I have eaten the best dinner, Bluff oysters wrapped in bacon and barbecued, (my dad's favourite dish) it just needed Worcester sauce but we had none. It is calm and peaceful tonight, it is colder tonight as well. Tomorrow it is goodbye to Nat and Cuzzie, I will be solo till Jackson Bay.
I will write my daily blogs but sorry to say they will be late to you all, we will do our best.
Bed time it is, sleeping time is needed, let's see what tomorrow brings, 30km or...?
My smiles today:
Hanging in today and successfully paddling 74km, it was a mind battle.
Bluff oysters and Bacon, John Ross Paterson style.
No wind and sunshine for most of today.
A calm beach landing, total bonus.'
My thoughts today:
All of them are focused on what tomorrow will bring.
Goodnight from Red, Nat, T2 and Cuzzie.
Easy landing by Monkey Island