Sunday 27th March
I woke a lot in the early hours of this morning, I felt like the TV chef Nigella Lawson as I had to get up and eat chocolate, I was starving! I sat looking out the DOC hut window by my bed at how much light was outside, I listened and actually wrapped my arms around my knees and hugged myself or maybe pinched myself to remind myself of where I was in this amazing county, Deas Cove, Thompson Sound. The hut was warm and dry, the mattress was thick, no bruised hip bones tonight. After about an hour I lay back down to sleep a little more.
There have been many things about me so far than I have not shared yet. I have some very weird food intolerances, so I avoid many foods, such as all grains, all nuts, no flour, no rice, no dairy! When I eat these I get the most horrendous indigestion and I find my self in serious discomfort for the next one to two hours afterwards. I avoid and have avoided all these things for the last two years. On this trip I have been offered all sorts of food, and something in me decided that the second I refused food I would be in trouble, food is food and just 'harden up girlie.' Suffer the discomfort, it will still give you much needed energy! I felt like if I refused food then I would deserve it if I starved.
So every time I was offered food I said yes! I have eaten bread and butter, rice, pasta, milk and cheese. Yes, I have suffered but at least I have food, and the universe kept sending me more, from every launch that passed it seemed. I have been in some bad discomfort but I have had energy and I thank every single person for their generosity. It is incredible and I owe you.
I have just unpacked my food parcel (!) and Nat has done me proud. 1kg of my most favourite coconut oil, honey (my best energy food), dark Whittakers chocolate (it is the best and only one to eat), kumeras, potatoes, onions and amongst other things a new diary to fill, woohoo. As I have each day, I remembered all the people who have given me my random supplies, thanking them for finding the time, caring enough to stop and chat and finding my journey as incredible and as exciting as I do. In a very strange way you have all helped me on my off water days with your daily contact, your chatter and this strange 'boatie comradery'. It is a very special heart warming society to be a part of.
I actually spend time on the water and in my tent, reliving these moments and I can see everyones smiling happy faces. To the gorgeous lady aboard Black Pearl (I will not name you) for asking where my fridge was in T2 to store my fresh greens, you were so worried I would get scurvy from lack of greens, how I smile about this. In fact at the moment I am worried about how I am going to fit in all the extra food Nat sent down!
Anyway, back to my Easter Sunday at Deas Cove. Low tide was at 8.30am so before 8 I headed down to grab a huge bag of cockles the size of ping pong balls and the sandflies welcomed me with their usual hugs. I foraged in the sand, red buff over my face, hoodie over the top and completely sprayed in repellant so they just buzz around me in a cloud. One or two manage to find a naked piece of skin to bite, but not too many, thank goodness.
Back up at the hut I go out and grab a few pieces of driftwood, wash and rinse my kayak clothes and light the fires so my gear can dry, outside now the wind and rain are blowing. Necks Cove on the other side of this hill is looking nasty, white caps and a wind funnelling into the cove. Deas is protected today just like the locals told me it would be, I have climbed up and over through the beautiful bush to Necks Cove and back along to Deas Cove. The views, the bush, the area is extraordinary and beautiful, even on a wet blustery day.
Dinner tonight is pretty damn delish. Cockles stirred into a herb and tomato puree broth with potatoes, kumera, onions and peas. I had to treat myself from my goodie bag I collected yesterday. I sit by the warm fire and listen to the wind and rain outside, DOC hut all to myself. I wait for another calm weather window.
My smiles today:
Warm and dry in a huge DOC hut.
Numerous fantails following me on my bush walk today.
Three to four Wekas just wandering about like, "Who are you?"
Cockle gathering there are so sweet and yum.
My hot sweet coffee this morning.
My thoughts today:
What an Easter to never forget, spent in Fiordland. A special day and I feel so lucky.
Goodnight from Red and T2
Necks Cove