Wednesday 30th March
Up early, fed, T2 packed and on the water by 6am. The James McKerrow guys were also just heading out of the cove, going the opposite way to me up the sound, I was heading to open ocean. I whizzed along on the outgoing tide, that soon ended as I got out of Thompson Sound, from then the next five hours was a tail swell going against the current. It burnt up a lot of my early morning energy and even though I felt as though I was speeding along I was actually taking ten to fifteen minutes per kilometer, rather a tough morning.
It was not even any easier further out off the coast, I tried that, big mistake. I had to work really hard to get back in to the coastline again. After Caswell Sound in did ease a little. Further up by Looking Glass Bay I stopped and chatted to a crayfish boat and they said they thought the current would help me soon. Sure enough, they were right.
The further through the day the nicer this paddle became, I was aiming for Catseye Bay, but as I got there I thought, lets push on to Blight Sound, I have time. I made it to Blight just at the end of the tide turning and then my decision became where to land? Or more like, where can I land? With a little help from the support team, messaging them to look at Google maps, I eventually found a really nice spot. For a while I did think I would be sleeping on rocks tonight but a moss base under my tent is fab.
Tired, a big nor-easterly is forecast for tomorrow so I will be going no where except exploring. Stags roaring tonight, the bush sounds calm and river water murmurs and ripples over the big boulders. Time for me to sleep.
My smiles today:
Seeing the Crowe family on the water in the catamaran.
Chatting to the cray fishermen.
The weather today, amazing.
The end of today and sunset, magic.
My dinner tonight, popcorn! So easy.
Soft moss tent floor.
My thoughts today:
Satisfied to feel happy from the inside out.
Sunset at Bligh Sound
Happy Red at campsite in Bligh Sound