SUNDAY 17th April..
Happy Birthday today to Jason, he has been with us since Friday and it was his birthday today. We all had lay in both Nat and Jase had a sleep in, I chatted to friends on the Internet trying to keep still and quiet. I managed that till bout 8am, then with my arms and shoulders filled with pins and needles I was needing to sit upright for awhile. Wriggling upright in my sleeping bag wakes them and we talk about brekkie and a day of things to do. Gradually we grab breakfast items from the cupboards of Cuzzie and head over to the kitchen to cook up a breakfast birthday feast. Jase on coffee machine, Nat on bacon and grilled pears, me with my famous coconut pancakes.
It was totally scrumptious, then coffee cups refilled we where all happy. We also had our new Star T shirts on, cool motto, thank you Andy. It was a day to enjoy, we wasted no more time but jumped into a hire car and speed off to Fox glacier. We joined in with the tourists and went climbing and staring at this awesome glacier. Something I find really hard to actually comprehend is this glaciers thing, and it is moving all the time. Weird and strange, my brain and forehead frown.
Back down the hill we walk, back into the car for a small lunchtime picnic hiding from the rain. Then off to sit in the hot pools in Franz Joseph for the afternoon, what a wonderful time we had. Cool rain falls on us while sitting in the hot pools, pretty special. Then into a local bar to quench our thirst, chat to some locals & sit by a roaring fire before a birthday dinner was enjoyed.
Yes it has been a great day, we have chatted and started some planning for this next section, still needing to talk with a few more while the weather is sorting itself and I am sorting myself. Today has been extremely enjoyable, great to be involved and around my wonderful, lovely crew. Great to have some us time, time soon for more paddling but not today or tomorrow as there are many other things to see and do.
My smiles today:
Happy Birthday to Jason.
A day of off water fun and sights.
Food glorious food.
Dry and warm in the camper van.
Peppermint tea with lashings of honey.
NZ you are beautiful, every corner I turn there is something to make me say WOW.
My thoughts today:
I love myself. I believe in myself. I appreciate myself. I'm strict at and serious about improving myself. I will not give up on myself. I will not disappoint myself. I will be my best self no matter what.
New tees! Get yours here
An example of why I should get a tripod. To the left of this photo is the glacier. At least we look cool in our traffic light rain jackets.