Friday 22nd April
Why would I be able to have the weather gods on my side for three days in a row? Even I am not that blessed and it would be far too easy on my mental sate of mind. At 6.30am we got confirmation that it was a no go, today I accepted that and turned my back on the ocean. I am playing new games with MN, my mindset is now to thank her for giving me a reason to rest and a reason to get other things done on my to do list. I have proved I can keep myself busy, so let's nail the day.
It is cool but bright and sunny. I cook scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, we have coffees from our ROK machine and we plan the day. We hit the road for Franz Joseph, connections to phone and internet needed to nail long awaited emails, calls and other stuff that we need to access and be linked to the dreaded telecommunication lines!
We know when we reach this world as our phones start to tweet, vibrate and buzz as the messages arrive on mass, much like the sandflies in Fiordland! We arrive in Franz Joseph, make it into the back of Cuzzie onto the soft couch seats and tick off the things to do on our lists. It makes me feel great and the control freak in me starts to feel a little more settled, a little more organised and somewhat in control for at least a day. Gear ordered, emails answered, chats about my hideous beach landings of late had, gosh they have been abysmal! Ha at least I can laugh at myself.
Then we head off to the supermarket to grab some supplies. One or two items later, with a few bargain buys also, as I can not walk past a great bargain, we have topped up our supplies. We head to a great little location to setup Cuzzie, the Rainforest Retreat. We decided then to cook lunch in Cuzzie so I worked my magic on leftovers and a frittata style lunch while Nat worked on all the blogs to get everyone up to date, oops sorry for the last week or so of on mass blogs.
Coffee made, a great lunch eaten and a successful communications afternoon. We then head into the bar restaurant "Monsoon" to see Will and share my story, my journey and link details with him as he is keen to raise some money behind the bar for this great charity and cause for MHFNZ. Thanks Will. T-shirts are on the way to you.
We grab something warm to drink and go and sit by their blazing open fire in the courtyard. Me and open fires, I am obsessed! We also tried a new tipple today, Jumping Goat Whisky infused coffee! It was rather yummie.
As the place filled up for a busy Friday night, we were controlled and headed back to Cuzzie where Nat was treated to her third cooked meal of the day, an eggplant and potato lasagne! I was a true kitchen home maker today. We chatted to lots of people while we cooked, we got lots of planning done and we gave each other high fives as I have, after much training from Nat, got some great dolphin footage from yesterday's paddle. Now that was so exciting. We watched this while shovelling dinner into ourselves, I can't wait to share this with you all.
Now tomorrow is going to be fun, I just have a great feeling, I am focused, I have plans, I am liking the feel and energy of this place so I am absorbing the positive energy. Nat is at present rolling around Cuzzie doing her physio exercises. This always makes me grin, silently in agony but determined to fix her damaged knee.
My life is simple, it is feeling rather good and it is nice to be smiling from the inside.
My smiles today:
The amazing hot shower last night at Okarito campsite, worth every $1 coin.
My hottie, it takes the cold grumpy Red away.
Bargains buys at the supermarket.
Sharing my fav Whittakers choc habit with others and making them smile.
My insane and crazy support person Nat, we smile and laugh each day, mostly at each other.
Great to talk to: Sue, Sheena, Andy, Reagan, Jason and numerous others today. Your support and friendship is honestly amazing.
My thoughts today:
When I thought of doing a random act of kindness in the past I used to stop myself, BUT, now I just do it and damn it feels good to make someone else's day be filled with a ray of sunshine...try it!
Night night from Red, Nat, Cuzzie & the "star" sisters on the roof.