Wednesday 27 April
Okarito I am pleased to say is now behind us. I have paddled out and further north today. Many have told me what a lovely location this is...well, Okarito and I had our moments. I was slam dunked on my arrival to this beach and on my departure it took till my third attempt to be successfully out and over the six sets of waves, the first two attempts left me damp and frustrated. My third attempt was do or die, basically I said to Nat if I didn't get out then I was curling up in Cuzzie for the day in my sleeping bag and seriously sulking! When eventually I made it out I had so much adrenaline pumping into my heart that my heart did not stop racing until at least an hour after being successfully out the back and on my way.
It was a nice paddle today once the wind decided to turn to a sou-westerly, the river mouths turned the blue ocean brown and murky along this section making for slower paddling in these sections. The dolphins came to play for about four kilometres today and as always they make the time race by. I talked with Nat at my 20 and 40 kilometre marks, then messaged her to say I had hit the 50 and 60km mark. By this stage I was concerned my timing was out due to my late start and I was going to be landing in darkness! Cripes, that was the last thing I was wanting. Eventually I saw Nat on the beach and as always breathed a sigh of, yay my day is nearly over, just a surf landing to go. Today I talked to myself as I came in and I nailed this beach! I was happy with my day, 64km done and dusted.
We jumped in Cuzzie, Nat fed me hot popcorn washed down with coconut water as we whizzed along the roads. We have left T2 in the sand dunes behind a few gorse bushes, we will be back before sunrise to launch, so we are thinking she is safe.
Tonight I am physically and mentally drained and tired, so with a dinner cooked, a full stomach, a hot shower and my sleeping bag laid out I am off to sleep.
My smiles today :
Dolphins, always happy to see these gorgeous creatures.
My popcorn after paddling.
Nailing my landing.
Leaving Okarito and being further north, albeit rather wet after my departure dunks!
My thoughts today:
Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
Till tomorrow, Red, Nat and Cuzzie
PS, the stats from Fiordland are up!
Dragging T2 up the beach after a successful, dry landing