The colder weather has arrived. The weather is so very unsettled, the swell is dropping but it is sort of only a little better. The news is that the winds are dropping but every time I get my hopes up briefly then another weather bomb arrives and it is not helpful. It is the end of Autumn and I just have to be patient and enjoy my life off the water.
I headed into Greymouth to top up with diesel and gas for Cuzzie's heater, it has been well used over the last few days. I am getting ready to paddle and move north, well I am sort of getting ready as I have to keep focused on my original mission, which at times can be hard. It was cold and windy, it is the first time that I have worn two pairs of leggings on the entire trip. The sun was trying to shine and it is the middle of May so to be honest, it is expected.
With the food topped up I head into the Op shop, actually looking for a thick pair of socks. Alas there were none and I was not tempted really with anything else so I headed with lunch back up the coast to help with the reconnection of the water supply to the house at 14 Mile River. This work of climbing the creek rocks, running PVC piping into the water container and making sure the connections were all sealed and not leaking took up the rest of the afternoon. The rain arrived as we completed the connections, it was all successfully done and the house now has fresh water again. It was a lot of fun, a few trip ups on the wobbly rocks up the creek and lots of colourful words from us all but it was mainly at the hilarious fact we were getting wet from connecting pipes. It was like reconnecting water pipes on the farm water troughs!
It is the end to another day and I am stuck. I am off up the coast to visit the beaches I have to try and land on, to walk and tramp. Some tracks to absorb and see what I will not see when I am on the water, an adventure, a lifetime odyssey unfolding daily. I have to laugh, side step and dance around the angry MN. Her massive weather front is going to be a talking point for a long time. It will be a sure feature in my memory bank, maybe it is like the darker moments that kick started this adventure and later on I will look back, smile and think fondly of this time off the water and be able to explain why I had to stay put.
I felt good tonight especially when sitting in front of Linda's open fire, looking out at the ocean next to her spinning wheel. She will read this and think it is odd and funny, as it is just her normal day but to me it was unique and special. It was like being back home in our original little farm house. Until then I am signing out from my kitchen table, heading for the hot water bottle and my sleeping bag. I am looking forward to heading up the coast, Cuzzie and I with my camera at the ready. Pictures and videos galore, you do not have to paddle to be having an adventure, living your dream and seeing places. That is what I believe and have convinced myself of, doing it solo is also good for my soul. I can absorb, reflect and just take in every moment in my silent world.
My smiles today:
Driving Cuzzie, honestly she has personality plus.
Locating the local Op shop.
Being given a pair of Ug boots! I have warm toasty feet.
Laughing at others and at myself trying to connect water pipes and getting rather wet doing it!
Listening to others stories, truly listening. I love listening.
I have one sad thought, Nat is staying up north now and I am going to miss her.
My thoughts today:
Being open and honest about my world, my life and feeling refreshed, hydrated and happy. I feel I have found my drinking fountain for life and I am immersed. (gosh why does it take this long to discover)
Night Night, Red and Cuzzie on the West Coast.
Missing you, work hard and talk every day...