Up bright and early this morning. We walked to the Nelson Saturday Markets with Reg and Angela. It is always a fun time for me, looking at local produce, talking to stall holders and hearing about their products. The instant we arrived, Jase headed for a strong coffee, then a cinnamon scroll, and the next time I look, he’s munching his way through a pesto bread stick! He’s a bottomless pit when it comes to snacking! As we wander, I purchase some local honey, locally-made mustards, fresh eggs, freshly-pressed pear juice and other bits and pieces we need. Glad I wasn’t carrying the shopping bag. I managed to drink a cup of sweet, deliciously warm pear juice as we wandered around just looking, but I was glad that there isn’t really any extra room in Cuzzie as I was tempted to buy quite a few items. Then it was back to get fresh milk from a local vending machine (why aren’t there any of these in Auckland?) and to jump into Cuzzie and head for the water for my morning paddle.
It was spot on 10am as we arrived. The SW wind was picking up but I ignored it. Heading out on the water there was a small swell and wind for a couple of hours, but that was okay as it’ll be needed to settle into my paddling for the West Coast (when I eventually get back there). It was pleasant paddling on the water, but only for two hours before it was over and done with. Although it had turned into a rather stiff SW by the time I’d finished. We loaded up Louise (my secondary kayak) and chatted to a few locals before heading to Queens Park where we sat in the Chinese Gardens and ate our lunch, away from the wind and in the sunshine.
We spent a really nice, relaxed afternoon watching people out walking their dogs and generally enjoying being outside in the sunshine, before grabbing all our stuff and heading back to have a chat with Reg and Angela. Then off we headed up the coast to Mapua to spend the night in a campsite next to Rabbit Island. Somewhere different for the night and also a new location for a paddle tomorrow, followed by some hiking and sight-seeing.
As we settle in for the night, with the heater on and a cup of KawaKawa tea, I don’t dare look at the upcoming weather forecast as it’s still not in my favour. I just have to wait. It’s not how I dreamed things would be, but I am enjoying each day and this very special time.
My smiles today:
Nelson Saturday Markets.
Watching others out on the water, paddling and enjoying themselves (SUP, Kayaks, K1, Outriggers).
A picnic in the winter sunshine.
Parsnip crisps (proper, hand-cooked chips. Nelson, your products are yummy!).
Nelson’s wonderful climate.
My thoughts today:
Exercise is the most under-utilised anti-depressant.
Enjoy Saturday night, wherever you are.
Cheers, Red.
Ma te Wa
Queens Gardens.
Lunch time!