Another day and a new twelve-month period for me, so best I crack on with it. I rise, turn on the heater, read briefly, and text to say “hi” to some of the support crew!! No reason for them to have a lie in, not even when they’re away from me! Then I get dressed and head to walk my well-worn beach. It's low tide, a clear morning, and the moon is still high in the sky, even when the sunshine arrives. I suppose my morning walk is my waking routine. Like when I used to do pre-gym workouts (go walking and have a warm-up jog). A time just to think and set my goals for the day, to see if Mother Nature was happy or in another bad mood! As I walked, I actually chatted briefly to a good friend as she drove to work in the Auckland traffic. (Sheena - thanks for the reality of your world!) Here I am, on a beautiful beach, and there she is in another wonderful Auckland traffic jam, trying to get to work! She reminds me that, maybe, I have the better life at present. Thanks, buddy, I had sort of forgotten!!
Back to concentrating on my morning. The sun popped its head out over the large cliffs and as I turned to be greeted by its warmth I thought of a saying that keeps popping into my mind about turning towards the sun. Today, I stopped to enjoy the warmth, and held my pounamu for a moment. I felt blessed to be on this beach, seeing it through my own eyes and being able to enjoy it. I did think that this could quite easily become my morning ritual, like so many others who greet the sun each day. I do so love the sun and it is going to be a beautiful day in my little bay.
Beach walk done, breakfast eaten, coffee sculled, and Louise and I were off, out onto the water before high tide. I paddled and looked, then went paddling past large rocks and headed as far as I dared from Golden Bay, around every nook and cranny towards Separation Point. Then I stopped. No further will I now go until I’ve officially paddled from Farewell Spit to this point. Instead, I take a picture, make a mental note and then turn and retrace my tracks back towards Pohara Beach. As I get closer, I paddle around Motu Island a couple of times, looking at all the nesting shags and trying to get a good picture of them!! But it never looks as great on the camera screen as it does through my eyes (most probably due to my bad camera skills, if I’m to be completely honest). I arrive back at my beach to a beautiful end to a lovely day. I’m warm and dry. Tentatively, I dip my hands in the water but today, said “nope” to a roll. Tomorrow it will happen, that’s a promise!
Back on dry land, I grab re-heated coffee, my Whittaker’s chocolate bar and find a seat in the sun, looking out at the ocean and watching the sea move away from me. I listen to the small waves gently receding on the outgoing tide, and to the oyster-catchers chattering as they wander up and down the shore finding stray cockles and pipis. I like these crazy birds, maybe it’s their colouring (black, red and white!). I’m tempted to go looking for shellfish as well, but I resist. Instead, I sit, absorb what has happened during my day and say “wow”. I am so very lucky. It’s still as beautiful as it was this morning. Another wonderful day in a very lovely part of New Zealand. I’ll sit here on my big, wooden bench until the sun sets, watching others enjoying the evening. Then it’ll be time for dinner, my book, a chat with a few friends and then sleep.
My smiles today:
The warmth of the sun.
My dear friend in the Auckland traffic.
The chattering of oyster-catchers.
My thoughts today:
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. (Maori proverb).
Tomorrow is Saturday, which means another market day in Takaka. I’m excited. In the meantime, enjoy your evening and enjoy looking at the sun!
Goodnight from Red. Ma te Wa.
Paddling in and around the islands.
Up close with the Shags.