A cold clear night leads to a cold clear morning. We were up before daylight and had breakfast, hot coffee and loaded a very sad looking T2 onto Cuzzie. We checked out the beach and then headed back to the Westport Mitre 10. We also stopped for supermarket supplies, filled with diesel and refilled gas cylinders, checked oil and water and then we headed on the road. The weather was great, but we still had repairs to do. We are relocating to get some bits and pieces and do the re-jig and setup of Louise.
We have gone to scope out the up coming landings and locations further up this coast, and to look at the local farmers tracks and the bays that we think maybe okay for me. Hopefully by then MN will have probably calmed again after this next session of bad weather heading our way. Some is apparently due to hit later tomorrow, part of the morning is okay but in my weather predictions it all is about to return to full blown South Island winter mode.
We drove for most of the day, leaving Westport at 11.30am and headed to Kaihoka Lakes and the coast up and around where I am going to one day manage to paddle to. The roads I have now driven on a couple of times over the last few weeks, but it is always pretty and I enjoyed the scenery along the way. The rivers have dropped in volume due to no rain for a few days, and look clean, clear and rather cold. While we drive we talk and put A B C plans in place. Sound out ideas and agree and disagree over some of the options, but by the end of he trip we are clear on a lot of things for the upcoming sections. We stopped along the way to admire the views and got out for a quick walk in the cool early evening air to walk to Hawkes Lookout on the top of Takaha Hill. What a glorious vantage point. Looking back towards Nelson across the ocean, beautiful and picturesque. Then we drove to our final destination, an amazing farm, to be welcomed by Joyce, Jock, Mary, Rossy and the very new puppy (maybe to be called Star). A wonderful welcome, a hot cup of tea and then a gorgeous Paua dinner. Thanks guys.
We are now next to a large fireplace in one of their homes on the farm to do our work and spend a few days away from everything. A walk to the beach to check out access and landings. Now to just shut down for a few days, well as much as I can. I am going to paddle each day once we have got Louise up and ready, then I'll know what weather I need for the next section and the waiting game returns. Until that happens it is the continued South Island exploring, how magical. I have just accepted that it is for me to enjoy and not stress, and realised how lucky am, well most of the time anyway. I do struggle but daily there is another thing to smile about and like everything I talk about it. I rationalize it, dissect it, then I have to laugh about the nutty adventure, the stories and the crazy things that have happened along the way. Actually when relaying the story to others all they can do is laugh at me and the images and videos of us on our tramp on the Heaphy track.
To make me smile while driving to the Kaihoka farm tonight we passed the Heaphy track at this end. Both Jase and I smiled and then said gosh if we had known we could have just hauled T2 this way and not paddled! Now that would have been an adventure for sure!! Another one I am sure I would not wish to repeat! What a dumb idea.
Sitting by the fire in a gorgeous large comfy chair, I say goodnight. I am sad I have not paddled this far yet, but happy to be here and able to check out this location, this beach and be as crazy as I am. This crazy trip has it's ups and downs, and is making me stronger by the day. I have to say thank you to whoever/whatever gives me this utter determination and love for an adventure. Onwards and upwards. Mentally and physically it has been a challenging few days.
My smiles today:
Small handbag dog in pink knitted coat on the streets of Westport.
Hand knitted coffee cup collars to stop your coffee cup burning you hands!
A beautiful puppy at the farm.
The views from the top of Takaha Hills, amazing.
Clear, fresh, crisp air and sunshine galore.
Us now just about able to laugh at the Heaphy Track experience.
Us both totally gutted at not getting further, I have to smile after I have shed so many tears. Nothing really left but to smile.
Paua, I never can have enough, honestly divine.
A large hot bath, now that is a treat.
My thoughts today:
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.
Good night. Red and Jase at the Kaihoka Lakes Farm.
Retro Knitted Coffee Cup Collars.