More stormy weather overnight, with wind and lots of rain but Hobo kept me company all night, curled up on my chest. Like all the animals on this farm, he has attitude and when I first curled up to go to sleep, he kept putting his whiskers in my face. Until I rolled over and lay flat on my back so he would go to sleep. Brilliant! I love this cat.
Up early today and on another “get things done mission”. I say “Hi” to the animals about the place (the chickens, the pigs and the dogs) as I wander up to the main house to have cup of tea and a chat. Then I headed into Takaka, firstly to show the local day-care centre my dolphin and shark videos and chat with the under-fives about my paddling. There were lots of “Wows!!!” and questions about fish and whether a shark had ever bitten my kayak! Great fun and a lovely place. Thanks so much for your invite to visit and your interest in my journey. Golden Kids you were fun.
The rest of the day was again spent waiting for the new tyres for Cuzzie. I sat in the Wholemeal Café, drinking peppermint tea and reading. Once all done and fitted, I then headed to grab a few kilos of raw honey from a local supplier. As I got near to the farm, I spent time sitting, looking out over the Westhaven inlet, dreaming that one day I would paddle again. Then back along the dirt roads, to get to the farm and down onto the beach to see the big seas and watch the sun go down. Nothing on the beach surprised me, the sand being blown up into the sand dunes tonight, foaming waves crashing onto the rocks and as the sun set, I stood looking out to sea, asking for a reason (other than it’s winter time) and still asking “when?”.
Back along the track I race before total darkness arrives. My day of being out and about was over. Fire roaring, dinner cooked, happy with some cool pics I took tonight and looking forward to a day of hiking tomorrow, while the rain stays away.
My smiles today:
Hobo, the cool cat.
My endless journey! But how long is too long?
My little orange Sony camera.
The kids today. Lots of questions and then, even they got bored!!
Takaka, when the sun came out today.
My thoughts today:
Keep going! No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up, no matter how many times you think to yourself "There's no point in carrying on", and no matter how many people tell you that you can't do it, keep going, don't quit. Don't quit because, only a month from now, you may be that much closer to your goal than you are now. Yesterday you said “tomorrow”, so make today count. Keep pushing forward.
Goodnight from Red and Hobo (if I can find him!). Ma Te Wa.
End to another day.
Winter's night.