Last night I went to sleep smiling, with my fire roaring. What a dream come true, an open fireplace in my bedroom, a luxury version of the Fiordland experience! This morning, a quick coffee and I sit until the sun comes up, doing my admin work. Then it’s a quick breakfast while driving and a chat to a friend who is due to have a huge change in his world. Paul, I wish you luck! I like the new athlete you have become, great life-changing stuff!
The rest of the morning is spent assisting with taking an old carpet out of a house, making it ready for a new one to be installed next week. This brings back memories of another life in London, when I was an assistant carpet-layer for three years!! It’s true!! You might be wondering what else I have done in this lifetime of mine; too much, it would seem! As always, many hands made this really quick work and, including a break for smoko, all was finished before midday.
Then it was off to complete my crazy daily challenge. The wind and rain had really started to take over this day and I started to doubt my own sanity as I geared up for the hike. Even the DOC worker on his quad bike asked if I was okay as we passed each other on the track. It was slow going today. The downhill slope was really slippery, so I took my time, all the while being belted by horizontal rain and winds from every angle. Eventually, I got to my turn-round point and only then realised just how much time I had spent getting there, so had to up my pace in order to make it back to Cuzzie before sunset. But I had to smile to myself as the cold wind and rain got fiercer and I felt the rainwater starting to drip off my jacket and down the back of my wet leggings. (That’s right, through all the layers of my leggings.) I have to say that the native bush always seems to turn a brighter green when it’s covered in rain. A couple of weka scuttled past me, together with a small, South Island robin. Only the fantails didn’t come out to play in the rain today. But it was nice to see this side of the coast looking rough and windswept. Even Golden Bay has its horrible days it would seem.
By the end of today, I was really glad to jump into Cuzzie, to heat up a hot drink and to make popcorn as my snack. Let’s face it, you gotta love owning a camper-van! The wind doesn’t let up all the way back to my farm cottage. But the clouds have blown away and the rain has stopped just for the moment. A full moon is glowing brightly and the stars have just started to appear. Now I’m sitting on the floor, like a cat curled up beside the fire. I’m warm and dry and half of me is happy while the other half, well, I’m still obsessed with wanting to paddle. Maybe I should just drag my kayak the rest of the way up this flipping coastline. But let's just wait and see what Mother Nature throws my way tomorrow.
My smiles today:
Pale blue eggs from a local roadside stall.
My waterproof Red rain jacket.
Even Golden Bay can look yuck.
Still no roof leaks in Cuzzie. Thanks, Jase.
My thoughts today:
There is nothing more I can say or do. There are no other actions left for me to take. Now I just have to sit and wait until Mother Nature stops her tantrums.
Goodnight from Red. Ma Te Wa.
Misty wet day in Wainui Bay.
Looking at my old Karaka Trees.