Numb fingers and numb arms again woke me numerous times throughout the night. It seems whenever I sleep on a hard mattress I get this issue. It is not life threatening, just rather a nuisance and because I had been in and on a bed for a while at Kaihoka, I had forgotten or had hoped that this had disappeared. But it has returned to my annoyance.
Once up, with coffee, and fed, I was off to have a giggle at Jason. His southern mans beard was to be removed today. He wanted his fresh shaven face to return. Barkers barbers did a fantastic job. Hot towels, cut throat razor shave, haircut and such a lovely team to chat with too. I had to take pictures of the process. It was hilarious. I had got used to the look of the facial hair, but now it is all gone. Jase had a grin from ear to ear.
We then met up for coffee and lunch with the wonderful Xabi (an Auckland friend down for the day). We spent a lovely afternoon chatting as I have not seen this gorgeous, happy man for 10 months. He has not changed one bit and is still full of laughter and lots of energy.
We enjoyed the waterfront again today. The Wellington streets did not seem so over powering today and I was again surprised at the calm Wellington weather. Was I a little concerned that I was not paddling? Actually no! I am happy to accept this break, this reward I had promised myself, and I am enjoying each moment. Smashing, crashing beaches will return and there is always lots of prep to do, so we sat and did a heap of West Coast shoreline studying. We uploaded and upgraded electronic apps and appliances, and then the day was nearing the end. We offered to drop our mate back to the airport and then it was actually time for us to park up for the night. We get sorted and write to a few friends, study books about this next section and then just enjoy the beautiful calm Wellington evening.
A cold night for sure, and we are looking forward to a wonderful Saturday with some more locals, markets and prepping.
My smiles today:
Southern beard gone!
Wellington waterfront.
Seeing an old, smiling friend.
My thoughts today:
It is okay to gift myself time to rest and recharge.
Goodnight from Red and Jase.
Ma Te Wa.
Wellington waterfront.
Close shave.