Today I began with a walk around the streets of Khandallah, then it was a Cuzzie day. Now when your poor, dear camper-van has covered over 25,000km, there are things that need to be done. Today I dedicated most of my day to Cuzzie. A full inside clean; well I tried to remove most of the sand, dust and dirt. It will take many more hours, maybe years, for all the sand to get removed. Things needed resorting and re-stacking. As mentioned, a self containment certification check was needed, and I had a couple of items to replace.
I stood inside Cuzzie, made myself a coffee and turned on some music. Then I cleaned. I wiped and dusted, repacked cupboards, threw some stuff out (like pebbles and stones I had collected along the way) and got her ready for the next leg of my journey. Then I drove to Newtown. I succeeded and got the tick of approval for the self containment certificate. Now for a drive all the way to Plimmerton to get a couple of caps for the camper-van waste water, and then back down the motorway so that I can call in to say hi to the team at Canoe and Kayak Wellington. It was nice to stop and see some friendly faces, and to talk about kayaks and paddling. Thanks guys, it was a nice end to my day.
But as always the day runs away with me and tonight I am on dinner duties. I head quickly back up the winding roads to get this underway. It has just been one of those days, not a moving north day, not a sightseeing day, just a day of stuff. Another day of getting things repaired and cleaned. I did get a lovely call to say Bolle had given me a replacement pair of sunglasses. I gifted my other pair to the ocean further south; yes the list of things lost to that wet, watery world is continually growing.
I have heard today from a few along this next section of the coastline and I have to say thanks for your offers of help and accommodation. I will be seeing you all soon, and taking you up on your services for sure!
Tomorrow it is a "me" day. A walk or run, some swimming and a catchup with another paddler. For the kayakers following me: sorry to say there are no paddling stories for a few days more. Probably more hiking and sightseeing than paddling.
A huge thanks to my generous hosts Grant and Ness. A truly wonderful bed and accommodation. I am very spoilt. Thanks to you both.
My smiles today:
Being told Cuzzie was well kitted out.
Chatting to a fellow camper-van convert.
Biggest smile is to Goggle maps.
Dinner from the "my food bag".
Big, comfy, soft bed. No numb fingers.
Calls from my support crew. Thanks team.
My thoughts today:
Never forget who helped you out while every one else was making excuses.
Goodnight from Red. Ma Te Wa.
Wellington sunrise.