After 300 plus days, at last I’m in tune with what my weather info tells me. I wake at 5am, just to make sure nothing nuts has happened and the calm is hanging around for longer than the first few hours of this morning. Just as predicted, the weather window had shrunk even more, so I roll over and listen to the West Coast waves hitting the beach and am actually truly okay with a down day. But, before 7am, I get up and head to the campsite showers to over-indulge in high pressure hot water showers with no actual money needed to give you the hot water. It’s a real luxury, having a huge shower and endless hot water, even after just a couple of days of freedom camping. I must be getting a tad soft. Or is it that I’ve been very lucky and utterly spoilt to be in real homes far too often lately?
Once we get organised, we sit and plan the day. We’re on a mission, as you know, so I can't possibly sit still. It’s into Foxton to grab a parcel from home with some supplies and to chat to Jase’s Dad for a little while. I had to chuckle, as we arrived way too early and found him still in his dressing gown!! Got to love the retired life-style, not a care in the world! We moved a couple of things and sat down for a while to chat or rather, we listened as he chatted! Then we hit the road to grab some extra supplies of Waireka "bush blend" honey. After that, we went into Whanganui to grab some lunch and encountered some supermarket chaos that I was pleased to escape.
After that, we played catch-up, watching Trent and Jeanette's daughter, Jess, playing in a huge school netball tournament. Now, when I was at school, I was absolutely useless at the game. Today, it made me think that maybe I’d be better. Well, maybe not, especially considering I like paddling solo. This team thing could present me with some new challenges!
We jumped in Cuzzie and headed off to check out some beach landings as I can’t stand the unknown elements of this section. We drove and we looked. I sort of smiled at some and looked at others and went “No bloody way!” Or rather, I sat while being driven in Cuzzie, as Martin actually enjoys driving Cuzzie. But then, everyone seems to enjoy driving Cuzzie. Well, maybe not everyone, as my navigation skills involve going round the streets of Whanganui far too many times! I blame Google Maps whereas, in actual fact, it’s more likely to be my driving! Anyways, we’re heading back down State Highway 3. We have an offer of dinner and the chance of a bit of a catch-up, so both of us are making the most of each other’s company.
It’s been another long day, and again tomorrow there are going to be more places I haven’t yet seen. New Zealand, you keep surprising me and even though this coastline is rugged, there’s still time to get to know you and enjoy what you have to offer. After all, every beach has a beautiful day and an ugly day.
My smiles today:
Whitebait nets in all the rivers.
Long, hot showers.
Paddocks full of newborn lambs.
The first day of Spring.
Finding new, as yet undiscovered, locations.
My thoughts today:
Just because there’s a smile on my face doesn't mean that there’s not something bothering me. It's just that I choose not to dwell on negatives!
Good night from Red, Martin, Cuzzie and my stars. Ma Te Wa.
A rough river entrance.
The unknown up ahead.