Monday 17 October 2016
It was a full, bright, moonlit night and then light really early this morning. While still in bed, I look at my weather forecasts and frown. Then it was up and out for my lake run, with a cool, fresh wind in my face as I head out along the tracks to Five Mile Bay. Then back again along the same track, doing my sprint part of the run! Lungs and heart having worked hard, at last I get back to my friend’s house where I have a quick early morning catch-up before grabbing my gear, together with a couple of kettle-bell weights, and jump into Cuzzie. The idea is to enjoy the sunshine and do my circuit training out in the park at Two Mile Bay, then to spend some time cooking breakfast in Cuzzie and enjoying the lake view. Also to actually spend some time in my camper-van as it has been my life for most of this trip and it feels weird not being in Cuzzie!
After my training is over, I have a late breakfast and do a few odd jobs, then head off to check out and do some sight-seeing around Kinloch. It’s been many years since I was last out here at Kinloch and it’s still as quaint and peaceful as ever wandering along the edge of the lake. There are numerous kowhai trees in full bloom and they shine bright yellow against the beautiful blue sky and the dark green rolling hills all around. I have lunch in the shelter and enjoy the warm sun. I’m happy but also making sure that I keep a mindful watch on the clock as I’m heading off to the pools for the end of my day. I wasn’t brave enough to get into the cold lake today but think I might just have a celebratory Labour Weekend swim in a few days time.
Now it’s time for my swim and I have to say that I like this outdoor pool. It’s good to feel the cold wind on my arms and shoulders and the warmth of the sun as well, bringing back memories of when I used to swim in this exact pool in the Taupo winter when I lived and trained here many years ago. Swimming was great and, at the end of the session, I have a great time chatting with a local swimmer with whom I had been sharing the same lane for most of my swimming session.
Back home and then it’s dinner. Thanks to Sue as I didn’t actually do much because I spent the next couple of hours looking at the weather. Another damn “maybe” day, so I made another damn decision, writing down what was good and what was bad about the forecast, then reminding myself why I need and want to paddle this next section. Needless to say, the negatives won, although I can’t promise the matter won’t come up for debate again tomorrow! Frittata, salad and chicken for dinner; how spoilt I am. (Thank you!) Tomorrow some more “memory lane” moments, weather watching and training.
My smiles today:
Training in the park.
Breakfast in Cuzzie.
Sunshine by the lake.
Revisiting places and memories.
Chatting with others, then decision-making time!
My thoughts today:
Hello, there’s sunshine in my soul today.
Goodnight from Red.
Ma Te Wa.