Tuesday 18 October 2016
Okay, thanks to the well-meaning few who felt they needed to remind me that there’s a high weather pattern over the North Island at the moment. Sunny for sure, but the general weather forecast seems to miss a couple of things. There is also some wind, and no, although it’s not gale force, neither is it what I require to complete a 75km day paddling. Waiting it out is what I’m doing. It maybe boring for some, but it’s not their journey!
While it was still early, I nailed my morning running. It felt better today. Even at 6.30am, the lake looked like I may actually get out on the water later on today. I was beginning to like my running course and it’s certainly nice to run in the coolness of the morning. Back and time to load up Cuzzie to go and find a location with an incredible view in which to cook and eat my breakfast. Why not, when I have a café on wheels in which to enjoy all of these great locations! I do have a chuckle to myself, as I can see myself back in Auckland, unemployed, driving about and looking for new locations to visit in order to be able to continue this uncontrollable urge to be in my camper-van! Maybe I just need to just work in a travelling coffee cart!
But, back to this morning. As I was locking up, Heidi (one of the three on site cats) burst through the cat door with a gift for me. Oh, no, a huge bird that was still alive and squawking loudly. Thank goodness I managed to rescue it and let it go back outside. Poor bird, poor Heidi! She hasn’t looked at me the same way since this morning. In fact, I would say she’s pretty miffed at me for letting it go! It was off out the door, grateful that I didn’t have to return home to a roomful of feathers!
The moon still was high in the sky and it always reminds me of how ignorant one can be as, once upon a time, I never even thought much about the moon setting during the day. I just assumed it disappeared when the sun arrived. Typical lack of observation on my part sometimes! Or, maybe, just plain dumb! I find a fabulous vantage point, looking out towards the mountains covered in snow, and was blown away yet again about how beautiful this sight actually is when you have time to sit and admire it. Today, I just happened to have this luxury.
Town seems quiet as I head in to do boring stuff like mobile top-ups. None of the other shops actually appeal to me to wander into them (sorry shopkeepers!). Kathmandu nearly had me in to browse but, holy heck, do I really need any more black leggings? Absolutely not!! Actually I’ll have to learn to wear something else on my return home, although I still have a couple of months to go to put holes in the current ones in order for them to feel comfy and warm.
I head into the local info centre to get a few ideas on where I have to go and how long it’s going to take to paddle to the carvings out on the lake, as well as other freedom camping spots. After all, I may need them if I feel the urge to return to camper-van life for a night or two!! I’m now addicted to my little Ford Transit.
Got a call from my darling Nat today. She’s back from the USA, having had another fun adventure with lots of stories. I hope to have her back in Cuzzie to share a day or two with me early next month. Up to Spa Park to wander and look at the beautiful water flowing towards Huka Falls. Then lunch is eaten as I sit in the sunshine, trying to see if some nutter may decide to go Bungy-Jumping!! Alas, no-one to be seen today. The staff were also just also enjoying the sunny day. Maybe it’ll be busier over the long weekend.
Then it’s that time again. Water therapy in the outdoor swimming pool. I’m a little earlier today, although I’m actually still swimming when all the school kids arrive for their lessons! As I swim, I think how lucky I am now that my Dad made us learn to swim, dragging us to lessons and making us go in the swimming squad. Oh, how we moaned! But, now, it’s a blessing. Another successful day for me, all done and dusted, then back to this lovely house for the night. I’d almost forgotten how lovely Taupo can be on a sunny day. Quite a change from the noise of the ocean but, if I’m to be honest, quite calming all the same. Dinner and cats to talk to. The sun is still glowing and waiting for the moon to arrive and take over the night watch. I read a great article today about exercise and mental health. Do read it if you have a moment, it may help with that motivation to get out there tomorrow morning. (http://exerciseright.com.au/how-to-muscle-up-on-mental-illness-for-mental-health-month/)
My smiles today:
A gift of a bird from Heidi the cat.
Her look of horror as I freed the bird; a priceless moment!
My love for my camper-van Cuzzie.
NZ still more beautiful each day.
Exercise makes me smile. I dare you to try it!
Spring green growth and blossoms.
The incredible blue of this lake and river.
Chatting to Nat.
Glad I don’t have an urge to bungy-jump!
My thoughts today:
When you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing. But you have to remember to stop and look!
Goodnight from Red.
Ma Te Wa.
Taupo River waters.
Night sky.