Sunday 1st May
Today we spent a day in the bush, firstly a couple of coffees made by Nat with me on breakfast duties, we took over the kitchen of the wonderful Paul Caffyn. Then off we went for a guided tour of the Cave Creek track, to walk into some amazing caves and tunnels and do a small amount of caving.
Incredible amazing spaces, the track was gorgeous and Nat had Paul's walking poles to help her not ruin the rehab on her knee. As we walked we talked about so many things as the light rain fell.
I have to repeat to myself this amazing section of NZ is not how I had remembered, (but it was 40 years ago) it is far far better, it is an undiscovered gem. Off the usual tourist tracks today and being shown and told so many stories about where we were. It is hard for me to absorb it all and it is hard to remember all of the descriptive words our guide has talked about today. The massive cliffs he has climbed, the caves and tunnels he has discovered...I could only try and imagine how incredible it must feel to be walking in caves and tunnels under ground and know you are one of just a handful of humans to have been in the space, it blows my mind. It is special and totally incredible the feeling of where we have been today. There was a tinge of sadness as I realised it was just past an anniversary of the sad Cave Creek accident.
The massive rocks covered in moss and the streams were as if we where in a beautiful fairy gardens. When Paul said he was not sure he believed in fairies Nat kindly reminded Paul of the Peter Pan story, if you do not believe in fairies then one will die! This was a very funny moment. We have Wekas walking in front of us on this track, how cool is that? The little South Island Robins come up close to say hi, but still no kiwi!
Photographs were taken, I am still trying to adsorb this coastline and I am actually enjoying turning my back on MN. She actually calmed down more than I expected today and she is playing a rather hideous taunting game at the moment, but I am not being tempted. I will be back out on the water paddling when MN and I are in sync again, that is the best and easiest way to describe it!
We have had a magic day with new adventures, new knowledge and adventures we would not have had if I had not turned my back on the ocean. We could have just sat and looked out to sea watching the swells and wind again and said maybe, maybe not! I have found recently that making a decision about the weather and sticking to it is getting easier on this trip north. Today I did not beat myself up, I just walked and talked, wandering along listening. Listening to incredible stories, so much knowledge and absorbing what I could. This is a special time and I am meant to stay and learn. I am meeting some lovely locals and I know more about this area and this can be better than just paddling up the coastline and missing all of the nooks and cranny and locations. It is the total experience I am liking it. I feel great when I discover somewhere I want to embrace, again I have to say NZ has some gems of locations that only a very few know about and share with some trepidation as they luv the fact that they do not want to tell many others about the fab place.
Once we have finished our walk we head into Greymouth for supplies, dinner is being cooked by Nat and myself and there ice cream is in the freezer for dessert.
My smiles today:
Being able to accept a day off the water with ease.
Watching Nat's scarf growing in length.
Caving and walking in the incredible caves and tunnels.
Enjoying this silent and surprising coastline, unexpected and beautiful.
Roast Chicken dinner.
My Thoughts today:
Normal, real, people with a passion for life. I thank you for sharing. I thank you for sharing a snippet of your incredible secrets.
New friends :)
Caption contest!