Another day of no kayaking. Tedious for many who just wish to hear about another epic day on the ocean, I am a little sorry to say but this is not a happening event for most of this week. The great thing is that I am in Cuzzie, I am with Nat and I am not in a tent being blown about. Enjoying my time, sort of, mostly.
It was another late night, and a little trouble sleeping. Numb arms and fingers from sleeping on my sides on Cuzzie's mattresses seemed worse than ever last night but there were a few things on my mind that woke me early and had me writing emails far earlier than I had wished for. Honesty and truthfulness is what 2016 is all about for me so I was sharing to others my thoughts, my needs and my wants for the remaining sections. Deep thoughts and sharing them is never easy, even from a straight talking redhead but there is no point not practicing what you preach, as I dislike mirroring and being like other hypocrites.
It was a way to serious way to start my morning so I threw open the back doors of Cuzzie and looked out at this amazing view, ocean, flax, rough water and waves. But oh bugger, I had forgotten about the damn sandflies, they had decided to return and fly into Cuzzie so we had a killing spree for a few minutes. I said a few colourful words to myself and my stupid brain as they attacked our arms and ankles, LOL.
Today has been like most of you all, a work day in front of a computer, answering mobile calls and txts. Nat and I have hidden from a wet, blustery, unpleasant day. We have sat opposite each other on a small kitchen table with coffees and worked on our laptops. Nat going through my many hours of video footage of Fiordland (laughing a lot) and trying to extract something entertaining for you all to look at. She has eye and brain strain from a day at the computer screen and has at 4.30pm closed her laptop down and picked up her knitting!
I have been trying to get on top of my correspondence to people since before 7am, there is something satisfying to be nearly down my list, the view we have from our kitchen table is one of the best office views I have had. Waves, the ocean and the West Coast on a wet and windy autumn day, it has given me a focus and positive direction. It clears a rather foggy and frowning mind. I luv the ocean and the coastline, it is one of my best feel great places.
So firstly to all the paddlers, I am waiting. I have counted the kilometres to get me back to Tory Channel and Tetahi Bay, it is getting closer but I am not lifting my head up yet. To everyone else, thanks every day for the positive comments and support, the donations to the crew and charity funds, to you all I owe so much. To those who have suggested an indoor gym charity paddle/peddle (in house at your local gym) to see if you can all with a combined total catch me and my total before I get home, what a great idea! Please send all your gold coin donations to the charity fund.
So coffee in hand, an early dinner sort of ready, chippies eaten and a lovely host sharing his home with us two crazy ladies.
My smiles today:
To get a caring hug from Nat this morning, thanks babe, you are truly an amazing person.
Just when you think the sandflies have gone, they quickly get you when you aren't looking!
Now onto my third Lifeproof iPhone case, you have to smile at this. Surely 'lifeproof' means longer than one or two months!
Being by the ocean.
Our wonderful old and new friends we have made along the way and their continued support via calls and emails.
Last but not least the smile I have to have when I for the life of me can not remember all the passwords I have in my life now! I am sure you all share this smiling frustration, I just have to laugh.
My thoughts:
What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.
View from Cuzzie's bedroom window